亏:有福,元吉,无怨以贞,利有你去。 以竖琴为目的,二桂可享。
损失:减少损失的方法。 福:诚信。 责:过错。 震:征谷。 游向:前进。 霍:为什么。 贵:祭品。
解说:有失,君子必以诚为准,方有吉祥,无过失,安定,利于前行。 失去的时候,牺牲可以很简单,但目的是要真诚。
损失:一行干损变成交换。 行:l。
有损自有福,元吉无咎。 可以贞洁。
损失:减少损失的方法。 福:诚信。 责:过错。 镇:稳定。
优点和缺点。 什么用途? 可享二桂。
游向:前进。 霍:为什么。 贵:祭品。 说明:这有利于继续做大事。 失去的时候,牺牲可以很简单,但目的是要真诚。
二鬼应有时。 有时会失去刚度并获得柔软度。
贵:祭品。 有时:有时。 损失:损失。
解说:做祭祀只是有时,但一定要诚心诚意。 这样干的阳线减,坤的阳线升,成为艮。
亏:减少,减少。 好处:增加。 填充。
解释:君子不应该有分别心,知道有失有得,有满有空,就可以放宽心境,减少苦恼,伺机做大事。 于凡说:君子太干。 阳刚之气,强者为怒。 坤音吝啬贪婪。 失燥初,成都曰,故“征怒”。 初依坤,至艮,如此“窒欲”。
《象》曰:山下有光彩,而损之。 君子以怒憋气。
标志:惩罚。 怒:愤怒。 窒息:停止。 欲:欲望。
解说:山泽伤卦意思是君子要克制怒火,不发怒,克制自己,克制欲望。 损、有福、元极、五鬼、可真。 优点和缺点。 什么用途? 两个 gui 可用,享受。
损卦中有正气,大吉祥,无害而正气。 很适合去。 为了什么? 二桂可用于祭祀。
团曰:损损利,道上行。 有损则有福,元吉无怨,而有贞节。 有好处去了,有什么用? 可享二桂。 二桂有得体之时,也有失刚失柔之时。 盈亏与时俱进。
亏卦,损下得上,运法为上行。 亏与减有诚意,有福有福,无怨无悔,却事有因。 很适合去。 什么? 二桂可用于祭祀。 用二癸祭有时也宜,减男子气,增女子气。 得与失,满与短,都随着时间的先后顺序运行。
象曰:山下有光彩,而损之。 君子以刑灭欲。
山下有大泽,为失卦。 君子从中得到启迪,抑怒断淫。
关于易经。 请帮我解释一下千卦中的几个字。谢谢
“谦以自牧”中的“牧”解释为“养”,即“谦卑自保”之意。 这句话可以译为:君子以谦虚克己。
“六五,不发财,靠邻国,用侵略,没有坏处。” “六五”是一种卦象,阴曜,上卦中。 这句话的意思我不太清楚,大体来说就是:财物不足,邻国劫掠,有利兵侵。 但也有其他的解释,因为易经不提倡武力,所以这句话可能会读作“勿用咄咄逼人之法,邻人富以为利,故无不吉利”。
此卦为同卦(下干上干)重叠。 它象征着天空、玉龙(有德有能的君子),也象征着纯阳健康丰卦国易堂财运,预示着繁荣富强。 干卦以万物顺应之理,以“元、衡、离、震”为卦字,示吉祥如意,教人恪守天道之德。
此卦与同卦(下坤、尚坤)重合,阴。 象征性地(与干卦相反),服从天空。 承载一切,绵延不绝。 坤卦以母马为象征,表示地道生育养万物,顺应天时,性情温顺。 “先失而后得”,证明“坤”服从“做”。 只有遵循“做”,才能把握正确的方向,走正道,才能获得吉祥。
象曰:风吹丝不见头,颠倒令我愁。 慢来于钱,则左顺,急则不自在。
此卦为不同卦相叠加(下震上坎),震为雷,有动之意; 障碍是雨,这意味着危险。 雷雨交加,险象环生山泽损卦详解测感情闷骚再加点小别扭好好沟通下,环境恶劣。 “屯”原指植物发芽的土地。 万物初生,充满艰难险阻,但顺应时势,便会兴盛。
第4卦 山水梦(孟卦) 悟道 努力在中下卦
此卦是不同卦(下坎上艮)的叠加。 艮为山之象,意为停止; 坎是水的形象,意味着危险。 卦之形为山下有险,仍继续前行,为无明,故名孟卦。 但因把握时机,及时行动,具有悟道通达的卦象。
项曰:珠久埋于土中,至今无光无光。 一时之间,大风吹走大地,自然又会出现。
此卦为异卦(下干上脊)的叠合,下卦干,意旺盛; 上卦为坎,寓意危险。 临危不乱,慎之又慎,勿轻举妄动,顺势而为,静候变化,必能成功。
六卦天水诉讼(诉讼卦) 慎争避讼
此卦是异卦(下脊上干)的叠加。 与需卦相反,互为“综合卦”。 燥是旺盛的,关卡是险阻。 艰难与危险,健康与危险,相互对立,纷争难免。 打官司可不是什么好事,要慎之又慎。
此卦是不同卦(下坎、上坤)的叠加。 “师”指军队。 嗡嗡声是水和危险; 坤为地平,比喻农耕兵。 兵凶险,用兵为圣人不得已而为之,却能顺利无阻地化解矛盾,因随势而师有名,故能化凶为吉。
此卦为不同卦相叠加(下坤上坎),坤为地; 坎是水。 水依地,地连江海。 他们相互依存,亲密无间。 此卦与释卦完全相反丰卦国易堂财运,是综合卦。 阐述了亲近亲近、坦荡无私、精诚团结的原则。
此卦是不同卦(下干上巽)的叠加,干为天,巽为风。 表示风调雨顺,五谷丰登,故此卦名小户。 实力有限,必须要发展到一定的境界,才能够大有作为。
此卦为不同卦相叠加(下逆上燥),以燥为天,兑为光彩,以天比喻帝王,以光彩比喻百姓。 ,结果是吉祥的。 国王和人民各有立场。 当柔软遇到刚硬时,危险就实现了。 应验之意就是修行,卦象之意就是脚踏实地,勇往直前。
项曰:学文满腹入场,三元与先凯旋而归。 从今以后,愁闷解脱,地上有雷声庆贺。
此卦为不同卦(下干上坤)叠加,干为天阳; 相反,它是凶猛的。 万物都是相反的,变化的,盛则衰,衰则转盛,所以与时俱进者就盛(通)。
此卦为不同卦(下坤、上干)的叠加,其结构与太卦相反。 意思是阳气上升,阴气下降。 互为“综合卦”,表示偏非,偏反则互为因果。
项曰:心中有疑,往日所望不切实际。 幸运的是,我遇到了一个有智慧的人来指导我,我所有的担忧都烟消云散了。
此卦是不同卦(下、上、上)的叠加。 干为天,为王; 礼为火,臣为百姓。 ,天下大同。
此卦为异卦叠加(下干上离)。 上卦离,是火; 下卦为乾,为天。 火在天上,普照万物,万民臣服,顺天时,成就大事。
第十五卦地善干(卦干) 内高外低中中
此卦是不同卦(下艮上坤)的叠加,艮为山,坤为地。 地上有山,地低(低)山高,就是内高外低。 这是谦
第十六卦 雷地雨(禹卦) 依势居中卦
项曰:大公插杏黄旗,收妖魔为徒,归西岐。 自此,青龙即位,一朝求百事。
此卦为不同卦相叠加(下坤上震),坤为地,顺; 地震是雷声,是动静。 雷毅一出,预示着大地复兴。 因顺而动,和谐之源。 此卦与乾卦为综合卦,相生相克。
大象说:这几年泥里走,车子靠在我面前的悬崖上。 现在我应该更加努力,推上悬崖发财。
此卦为不同卦相叠加(下震上交换),震为雷动; 交换是快乐。 Mojoy 的意思是“跟随”。 顺着你的手指顺从对方,你有你自己的东西,你的东西可以顺着你的,互相沟通。 必须与时俱进,顺应潮流,有原则,有条件,以持之以恒为前提。
本卦是异卦(下旬、上艮)的叠加,与隋卦是综合卦。 咕(gu)本意为事物,引申为多事、混乱。 器物久用,虫曰“谷”,寓意天下久安,唯其腐败,必创新创造,整顿救危,兴业振兴。
项曰:君无道,民倒悬。 他们常常想透过云层看到蓝天。 好在明朝主施了仁政,又过上了安乐日子。
此卦为异卦叠加(下兑尚坤)。 坤为地; 兑为泽,地高于泽,泽在地中。 禹君亲自下世治理国家,确保上下和睦。
第二十卦 风地关(关卦) 低头仰头,中上卦
此卦是不同卦(下坤、上旬)的叠加,流行于地,于德教遍行。 关卦与临卦为合卦,相辅相成。 在上者,以道义观世; 下者仰望上者,人心服从。
象曰:福如饥。 还好,送外卖,送外卖。
此卦为不同卦相叠加(下震上离)。 离是阴卦; 震为阳卦。 阴阳相交,碾压坚硬之物,雍容华贵,宽严相济,刚柔相济。 咬合(shihe)是上下颌咬合和咀嚼。
此卦为异卦叠加(下离上艮)。 离是火,是光; 艮为山。 文明内敛。 本(bi)卦论文与质的关系,重质而居文。 Ben,装饰,修饰。
此卦是不同卦(下坤、上艮)的叠加。 五阴在下,一阳在上。 阴盛而阳离; 高山依地。 两者都是剥落之象,故称“剥离卦”。 此卦阴盛阳衰,表示小人当道,君子有难,事业毁于一旦。
此卦是异卦(下激上坤)的叠加。 震撼是雷鸣和动静; 坤为土而顺,行则顺,顺其自然。 动作顺畅,内阳外阴,循序渐进,进退自如,便于前进。
象曰:鸟失其机,坠于笼中。 就算不能起飞,也应该坚守自己的职责。
此卦为异卦(下震上梗)的叠加。 行即是天,刚正而健; 震为雷,刚而动。 积极有活力,刚健有力,心气旺盛,一定会有所收获,但一定要遵循清净,不可轻举妄动。 不说谎,就会有收获,就会得到福报。
相曰:愁常锁两眉,千思挂心。 今后谨防开战,随心所欲无关紧要。
此卦是不同卦(下干上元)的叠加。 燥为天,苍劲; 艮为山,固。 牲畜人积累,大牲畜意味着大储蓄。 为此,我们不畏艰难险阻,努力修身养性,充实自己的道德业力。
项曰:太公独钓渭水,手执螺竿,甚悲。 有时又遇上文王,从此再没受过折磨。
此卦为异卦(下激上创)的叠加。 惊为雷,艮为山。 山在上,雷在下,外实内虚。 春暖万物,养人顺时。 阳强阴弱,实者扶人,弱者扶人。 自养。
相曰:夜梦金银,醒来仍不见一文钱。 现在我只能寻求我的职责,我的想法是无用的。
此卦是不同卦(下旬、上兑)的叠加。 兑为泽、越,巽为木、舜,水淹舟,大过失。 阴阳线相反,阳大阴小,动作不正常,有过象,内刚外柔。
此卦与同卦(下棱上棱)重合。 坎是水,是险,两坎是一样的,险上加险,险阻重重。 一阳沉二阴。 好在阴虚阳盛,顿悟坦诚。 虽有重重险阻,也只能彰显人性之光。
此卦与同卦(下离上离)重合。 离者离也,附意,一阴附美,上下两阳,卦象火,内虚外明。 离为火,光为明,日出反复,行动连绵,柔柔相济。
此卦为异卦叠加(下艮上兑)。 艮为山; 泽是水。 兑肉在上,根岗在下,水渗下,柔在上,刚在下,相互作用。 感觉变得。
象曰:渔者得鱼之幸。 鱼上了网,他就逃不掉了。
此卦是不同卦(下巽大、上震)的叠加。 震为雄雷; Sunda是女性和风。 甄罡在上,荀柔在下。 只是轻轻地上升和下降,自然是永恒的,相互支持。 阴阳相应,常态,故名常。
项曰:厚云遮日难见光,劝君勿远行。 婚嫁求财不吉利,谨防朝堂说话。
此卦是不同卦(下元上干)的叠加。 干为天,艮为山。 世间有山,山高天退。 阴生阳灭,小人得势,君子退却,智者自保,伺机救世。
相曰:卦师得大树,当走前道。 时来运转多顺利,自己的事情他都能自在处理,心安理得。
此卦是异卦(下干上激)的叠加。 震惊是雷声; 干燥是天空。 干燥只是振动。 天空雷鸣,云雷滚滚,气势磅礴,阳气旺盛,万物生长。 强而有力,故名强。 大壮,故名大庄。 四阳强而旺,活而有异,上正而下正,标正而影直。
此卦是不同卦(下坤、上离)的叠加。 礼是太阳和光; 坤为地。 太阳高悬,普照大地,大地听话,万物生长,光明正直,温柔向上,寓意生意兴隆。
大象说:“我运气好,走不动了,就匆匆过河,把桥拆了。 恩人反倒是义愤填膺,一切都白费了。”
此卦为异卦叠加(下离尚坤)。 离明,坤平; 离是太阳; 坤为地。 夕阳西下,光线受损,前途不明,环境艰难。 宜顺势而为,坚持正道,外愚内明,韬光养晦。
第37卦 风火家族(家卦)承微治及下卦
象曰:镜中花开。 它看起来太好了,你无法得到它。 我劝你不要再爱上镜子里的花了。
此卦为异卦叠加(下离商训)。 离是火; 巽为风。 火使热量上升并变成风。 一切都应该立足于内,而后延伸到外。 发生在内部的事情,变成了外部。 禹先治家后治天下,家道正,天下乐。
此卦为异卦叠加(下兑上离)。 从是火; 交换是泽。 上上下下丰卦国易堂财运,对立不相助。 克生,往复则空。 万物不同,必有不同,又互相矛盾。 这是矛盾的。
此卦是不同卦(下根、上坎)的叠加。 岭为水,艮为山。 山高水深,困难重重起名网,人生充满危险。 看到危险就停下来,明智地保护自己是智慧。 健,路途艰辛。
卦象 40 雷水劫
此卦为异卦(下岭上震)的叠加。 震撼是雷鸣和动静; 障碍是水和危险。 内有危险,外有行动。 冬季严闭,极静极动。 万象更新,冬去春来,万物消灭,是解。
项曰:不多动,如受车刑。 崎岖不平的山路挂着你的耳朵,一插就按不上右键。
此卦为异卦叠加(下都上艮)。 艮为山; 兑是湖。 上山下湖,大湖侵蚀山根。 盈亏交替,亏中有利,得中有失。 两者之间,必须谨慎对待。 损下利上,治国之道,损之过甚,则损国之本。 坏了就坏了,但一定要量力而行,适可而止。 最好是少失少得。
第42卦 风雷易(易卦) 损上利下上上
此卦是异卦(下激上巽)的叠加。 巽是风; 震颤是雷声。 风雷激荡,力量越强,雷声越大,风雷相生相长,相辅相成。 此卦与亏卦相反。 获利较低是损失,而获利是损失。 二卦阐述盈亏原理。
大象说:蜘蛛脱网争天军,贴住蜜蜂羽翼。 幸好大风吹过蛛网,才免于灾祸。 此卦是不同卦(下干上叠)的叠加。 燥是天之健; 交流是光彩的喜悦。 水气上升,决意化为雨水,施于大地,滋润万物。 去五阳一阴不难,去也难,定(意去)即可,故名Guài(guài),Guài即决。
第44卦 天风修(姤卦)人间有风
相曰:喜异乡知友,须知福气增增。 Since then, I have had good luck, and it is to take care of it in the .
This is a of (Xia Xun and Shang Qian). is the sky, Sunda is the wind. There is wind in the world, all over the earth, yin and yang , and is . The Gua (gǒu) is the of Gua, and they are the " Gua" for each other. Yin and Yang meet. But the five yangs and one yin get along for a long time.
The 45th (Cui ) the and upper
The said: fish and in the water are by nets, over the gate and into a , three feet of down money, ten peach show your .
This is a of (Xia Kun and Shang Dui). Kun is the land and Shun; Dui is Ze and water. The land is with , many with each other, and are bound to be . You must the sky and , plan for rainy days, be and , each other, and live and work in peace and . , , unite.
46 Sheng (Sheng ) and
Xiang said: come to and gain fame, is , trade well, and farm crops are also .
This is a of (Xia Xun and Shang Kun). Kun is the earth and it is ; Sunda is wood and it is . Trees grow on the earth, , and more , which means that the is step by step, and the is , so it is "Sheng".
No. 47
The said: "It's sad when the luck is not . I it up and took it to lift the . I 't get a tube of wings. I it up and 't get down."
This is a of ( ). Dui is yin, which means and joy; Kan, which is yang, means water and . is , in a , and it is to his . If he still to the right way and , he will and get out of the .
The 48th of water and wind
Xiang said: The dry well has been spent for many years, and once the comes out fresh, it is by the , and it is happy to be happy when it comes and goes.
This is a of (Xia Xun and Shang Kan). Kan is water; Sunda is wood. Trees get water and grow . live by wells, and wells are dug by . To each other, the well feeds with water, and it lasts for a long time. take this and work hard to .
49 ()
The said: The are in dry . , the rain comes from the grace of , and the and joys can .
This is a of (Xia Li Shang Dui). 离是火,相是沼,沼中有水。 Water pours from above, fire rises from below. 火盛则水枯; 水高则火灭。 The two and each other, and there will be . is a law of the .
The said: The clams on the beach, the clams and the clams their wings. when they went , but were at ease when they lost their way.
This is a of (Xia Xun, Shang Li). wood to cook food, life into food, means the old and forth the new. The is a great and a of with three legs. means that there is food, and there will be no more and . On this basis, it is to and a .
51 Zhen is
Xiang said: A bell is in the mud, and holds it as a stone to play with. , one day the bell hangs up, and the loud sound makes the world know.
This with the same (lower shock and upper shock). The shock is , and the two are , and the are huge, which can the dull air and make it and . On , you be for in times of peace, with a sense of fear, and dare not . When , you can also be calm and calm, and as usual.
The 52nd Gen (Gen ) and in the and lower
Xiang said: Money is on your mind, but it is a pity that it is to get it in front of you. Be when you are not happy, and don't talk when you have to do.
This is the same (lower gen and upper gen) . Gen is a , and the two are heavy, which means . It is the of Zhen Gua. After the , there will be a low tide, a stage of . is like a , stop when it is to stop, and act when it is to walk. and stops are both and . Don't lose the , it be just right.
The 53rd Jian (Jian ) and goes up the
The said: The bird was lucky to get out of the cage, and from the to show its .
This is a of ( and ). Gen is a , Sunda is a tree. There are trees on the , which grow, and the also grows . This is a of , so it is , , than rapid .
54 Lei Ze ( ) a and a
The said: When you seek fish, you must go to the water. If you seek it from a tree, it is not easy.
This is a of (lower upper shock). Shock means , and it is the male; Dui means Yue, and it is the young girl. It is a young girl is from the male, and she has of , , and the image of a . a man and a woman is the of and earth, the and end of human . Shang and Jian are , which are used in with each other.
The 55th Lei ( Feng) is the of the day
Xiang said: The has been dim for years, and once it is , it looks like a full moon. When a plans to do with this , it will be happy.
This is a of (Xia Li Shang Zhen), with and , great , and the peak, like the sun in the sky. ; be sure to watch for to go the other way. Chaos is by chaos, ups and downs are , so we must be .
56 ( )
The said: "The bird nests are built on the tree, and the makes the plan fire up. It is for the king to this . All hopes are in vain."
This is a of (, ). This is the of Feng , and they are " " for each other. There is a fire in the , and it doesn't stop . The fire keeps , like a on the way, eager to hurry. , it is Lu Gua.
The 57th Xun is the wind (Xun ) the upper
said: A lone boat on the beach, with poles and no water, it is to and . When it rains , the and lakes , so there is no need to work hard to go back and forth.
This is the same (lower sunda upper sunda) , sunda (xùn) is the wind, the two winds are heavy, the long wind is , all holes, and the sunda is . and go .
The 58th (Ze ) is on the , soft on the and on the
Xiang said: This is . I feel that doing is . Don't miss this . I feel that I can do to my heart.
This with the same (Xiaze ). Ze is water. The two lakes are , the two , the upper and lower are , , help each other, and joy. for Yue also. to the of vigor, the on the , the right path, and guide the .
59: Feng Shui Huan (Huan Gua) to save Huan San
Xiang said: I saw an ingot of gold the river, and I to get it from a wide bank, but the water was deep, and I hoped that the money would be hard to come by.
This is a of ( and ). The wind on the water, the waves and in all . Huan, the of water away. It the of the and the of the , and means and must be used to , the , save the slack, and keep the at bay.
60 Water Ze (Jie ) All have and upper
The said: When the time comes, will be born, and the god Jiang will be on the stage. At this point, all the gods will , even if there is a , it will not be a . This is a of ( ). is Ze, and Kan is water. There is water in the lake but the flow is , and the will the lake. , there must be , so it is . Jie Gua is the of Huan Gua, they are Gua and are used in with each other. Only when the world is can it be , when a is can it be , and if an is can it be .
The 61st ( ) with
Xiang said: on the road are in a hurry, the thin ice a in a hurry, they can pass , and they fall into the water when they make a wrong step.
此卦是异卦(下兑上孙)的叠加。 Fu (fú) means to hatch, and the date of and is very , and it has the of faith. 卦形外实内虚,寓意正直于心,故名中福卦。 这是存在于世间的基础。
62 ( ) are and upper
Xiang said: When pass the -plank , they feel panic in their and look in their eyes.
This is a of (lower gen and upper shock). Gen is a , are , and the that the must be . The yang is big and the yin is small, and the four yins the the two yangs in the , so it is "", and there is a .
63: Water and Fire Jiji (Jiji ) will ,
Xiang said: The name on the gold list is of the hard work of the past. When meet this name, it is , and all hopes and will come true.
This is a of (lower from upper ridge). The ridge is water, the is fire, water and fire , water is on fire, water fire, and fire is . Both, have been; , into also. Ji Ji means that have been , but will .
64 Fire and Water Weiji (Weiji )
Xiang said: "It's a few zhang deep from the . It's the who guard camps and the . Later, Tai Sui was named a evil . Be not to ."
This is a of (). Li is fire, and is water. The fire is above and below the water, the fire the water, and the fire has not been , so it is Weiji. "Book of " with the two of Qian and Kun, and ends with the two of Jiji and Weiji, which fully the idea of and .
: of Zhou of Zhou